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marvel mystery oil fuel injector cleaner

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge General Discussion marvel mystery oil fuel injector cleaner

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  • #449093

      hey everybnody i nobody ever respsonds to me but i have a question is marvel mystery oil fuel injector cleaner any good? alota people say to use lucas or seafoam but i know that marvel is a mix of both. using this stuff alot could it interoy ruin the injectors because it also is a lube for the injectors

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    • #449094

        Here’s the best advice you will get. If you have a problem with your engine, chances are you will not be able to repair it with an additive. If you do not have a problem, don’t mess with it. In other words, if you’re still getting the MPG you got when your vehicle was new, an additive will not improve that. If you’re getting peak MPG, your engine is running at peak efficiency
        Tell us why you are considering an additive and someone will suggest a remedy.


          well a for a mileage thing and two i was always told to use it as a preventative kind of thing.i know its not a magical thing but ive seen it do some good


            The best fuel injector cleaners to use are products with poly ether animes in them.

            Here is a great side to view on anything automotive fluid wise –

   … p?ubb=cfrm


              According to what I can find marvel is basically just a mixture of stoddard solvent and various paraffins. stoddard solvent is practically the same as mineral spirits and generic paint thinner. As for the parrafins. they are simply just longer chains of hydrocarbons. Sea Foam on the other hand contains alcohol (to absorb water) and a few other trivial components. The truth is that gasoline is already chock full of detergents and gum inhibitiors. I hate to say it but your wasting your money. If you’re having problems with injectors and you feel they are clogged I would try to rent/buy a pressurized injector cleaner. I know OTC makes one. The injector cleaner you get with that is much more aggressive than anything you could add to your tank. I hope you find this useful. Keep us posted on what you decide. If you have any other chemical related questions just let me know.


                im thinking of going with Lucas and seafoam anybody heard any good or bad on that? and another question flushing transes can u just unhook theri trans cooler lines and dump new fluid in till it bleeds clean any thoughts? bc a trans flush is 180 by me


                  I have never heard about marvel mystery. Why not to buy Brand one as Royal, Technorati ? Anyway you can check some on . They have a lot of brands there. For example I use only Lucas or Technorati.


                    [quote=”fordranger” post=15454]im thinking of going with Lucas and seafoam anybody heard any good or bad on that? and another question flushing transes can u just unhook theri trans cooler lines and dump new fluid in till it bleeds clean any thoughts? bc a trans flush is 180 by me[/quote]

                    NO! You have to drain it the normal way and then replace the filter and then fill it with the correct fluid to the correct amount.
                    You did not say what vehicle. If you started a new thread and simply asked for coaching on how to change your tranny fluid, say what car, motor and tranny you are doing it on as well as if it is automatic or manual, you’ll get help. Post that request in the Service and Repair questions forum.

                    As for injector cleaner they are all pretty similar. Some believe in them some don’t. Last mechanic I had checking my motor said to add a bottle of Lucas to every tank. That may be overkill since its only got 143K and the injectors are new but I did do it on the next tank because I said I would. You’ll figure it out, you won’t hurt you car.
                    BTW alcohol drives water away and makes it separate form any thing it is mixed with so that it can evaporate away, it does not absorb it.


                      As was previously stated, save your money. It can be tempting, but almost definitely won’t make a difference. Also,
                      “Tell us why you are considering an additive and someone will suggest a remedy. “


                        Just noticed this topic started 3 years 4 months ago. HaHa Jokes on us.

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