
Mobile app?

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  • #617552

      Are there any plans for a mobile app to view and post to the forum or is there some app that already exists that is compatible with this forum? I am on my mobile devices more than in front of my PC, so a mobile app would be just freaking awesome!

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    • #617716

        We’ve been asked about this a lot. Although we don’t have any immediate plans for a mobile app at this time, we do have plans to make the site more user friendly on mobile devices in the near future. I do hope to look into a mobile app at some point, but I’m not sure when that will be.

        Thank you for your request.


          I think I will work on making one.. Put my new found app development skills to use. Maybe I can give back a tiny fraction of what you have done for all of us.


            I appreciate the offer but since we’re working on changing the site already I think it would be best if we developed our own. In fact that’s what we planned to do in the first place. This way we could add new features to the site as well as the app.


              No problem… Don’t wanna step on toes.. Lol. I think it’s great to see the progress you have made since the early years in the cramped garage to your new location. Keep it up, it’s appreciated.


                Thanks for your understanding. Yea, things have come a long way since then. Thanks to all the fans that helped put me here.

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