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Need diagnostic assistance with an odd noise

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Maintenance Forums Need diagnostic assistance with an odd noise

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  • #493395

      After days of trying to get some audio, I’ve finally done it. So here’s my…issue
      Little over 3 months ago (I think), I was leaving from a mall late at night. I hopped inside my car, started my car and I heard an odd noise from the back of the car. I’m thinking it’s just a panel on the car that’s loose, I went home. From that moment at random when the car is WARM, I repeat, the car has to be warm for this to happen, the noise will occur. At times I try to isolate the noise and possible record the sound but to no avail, I’ve failed. But now I’ve finally obtained some audio of the sound. Now the sound is unique and can’t be explained in terms of words. No, I haven’t made ANY modification to the tailpipe but it sounds like something is loose.
      It is heard faintly at the 0:02 mark and clearly at the 0:05 mark just as the A/C clutch was engaged.

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    • #495194

        The noise seem obviously come from the exhaust pipe. You have have many clam in the exhaust pipe line. But one of them It’s cal rear exhaust clam located after the catalit or before the catalyst depending the brand. The Heat generated by the exhaust gas are hot and the steel became ho to. The rust quicker when It’s heated (think about ox-cutting torch). General this clam made of steel rust in 4 to 5 years depend on how long you use your car. You can find this problem by seeing a black ash deposit under you car near the exhaust pipe and you can ear the noise you share and smell the burn oil when when you push the throttle.

        To fix the problem you need muffler cement and a new clam whit the same size of you pipe.


          What you wrote is very interesting. I’ll look into that.

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