
New Post Indicator

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  • #450318

      This allows us to see new post that have been posted since the last time we where on the forum. That helps us keep on top of whats going on. Usally the indicator lights up when some one posts and if no one post it stay unlite.

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    • #450319

        I agree this would be nice a view your posts button would work well also I think.


          Good call on this, I am adding it to my list!

          Also, when you get a moment, subscribe to this thread it is where I will be posting updates/bug fixes/general site changes based on all of your recommendations.


            Quoted From Bizarro:

            What i really miss is the option to subscribe to threads i have either written in or just choosed to subscribe to.
            It’s not really a problem yet, but when ALL the fans have found the forum it can be a bit much. W;)

            Agreed. The current subscribe button is counter intuitive. But you can still subscribe to any topics by clicking the “Subscribe” button on the starting topic of the thread. Let me know if that is what you were talking about, or if I missed the boat completely…it’s been a LONG week I:|

            Also, when you get a moment, subscribe to this thread it is where I will be posting updates/bug fixes/general site changes based on all of your recommendations.


              What i really miss is the option to subscribe to threads i have either written in or just choosed to subscribe to.
              It’s not really a problem yet, but when ALL the fans have found the forum it can be a bit much. W;)


                Quoted From ETCGAdministrator:

                Agreed. The current subscribe button is counter intuitive. But you can still subscribe to any topics by clicking the “Subscribe” button on the starting topic of the thread. Let me know if that is what you were talking about, or if I missed the boat completely…it’s been a LONG week I:|

                Also, when you get a moment, subscribe to this thread it is where I will be posting updates/bug fixes/general site changes based on all of your recommendations.

                Yeah, thats what i’m talking about but even more userfriendly is a button somewhere that says “My subscriptions” or whatever you want to call: in effect a button that only leads to your subscribed threads.
                That is by far the thing i miss the most in any forum that doesn’t have it since it makes life so much easier and yes, i know there is a way to find it here too but that feels kinda buried: click the dashboard twice and then scroll down to find my threads…so please Sir, gimme a button! 😉


                  Quoted From Bizarro:

                  Yeah, thats what i’m talking about but even more userfriendly is a button somewhere that says “My subscriptions” or whatever you want to call: in effect a button that only leads to your subscribed threads.
                  That is by far the thing i miss the most in any forum that doesn’t have it since it makes life so much easier and yes, i know there is a way to find it here too but that feels kinda buried: click the dashboard twice and then scroll down to find my threads…so please Sir, gimme a button! 😉

                  No problem, thank you for clarifying. After I finish the changes with the profile page, my next task is to get back on the Topics page(s) and make those a little more user friendly.

                  Keep the good ideas coming!



                    This is what im talking about. See up on the top left hand corner of the SS that show unread post and replies to your post once you post you are already subscribed basically. Do you see the new post indicator to the left of the threads that will light up yellow when someone has posted that way you have the ability to caught the new topics/post really helps when people post new topics that way you don’t only look at the topics that you just subscribed to. i have found this to work awesome with alot of good feed back. It to also show the shoutbox i was talking about in a different topic.


                      I can’t post my screen shot.


                        Quoted From Bizarro:

                        What i really miss is the option to subscribe to threads i have either written in or just choosed to subscribe to.
                        It’s not really a problem yet, but when ALL the fans have found the forum it can be a bit much. W;)

                        I second this, Another forum i am member of there is an option called “My Posts” next to my profile and i can just click that and it will show me all the posts or threads i have written or replied on…Soooo much easier to keep up….


                          Anyone else having problems not being able to set the ‘e-mail me’ option when you subscribe to a thread? It’s always grayed to and set to no.

                          EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                            Ahhh it’s good to see the admin chiming in on this one as he knows more about that stuff than I ever will frankly. We are working on a way to better identify forums that are active and resolved for the future. Thanks for your suggestions.

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