
No Spark/Start Condition

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  • #665283

      Hi Guys,

      If anybody could help with my issue I would be so grateful. I have a 1980 monte carlo that has a no spark condition I have verified battery, crank, fuel is all ok. I have installed a new coil, cap,rotor, module and new distributor(hei)

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    • Author
    • #667124
      Andrew Phillips

        [quote=”jessedukhia” post=139902]However, between the middle terminal and battery neg terminal is reads infinity(1). What does this mean? How do I resolve this?

        P.s. is it ok that i had cap off when i tested this by probing middle terminal and battery neg terminal?[/quote]

        The cap can be off, but the wiring needs to be connected to the cap. Infinity means there is no connection (open circuit). You can check this ground with the cap on or off of the distributor, with the wiring connected, and the coil cover removed.

        Andrew Phillips

          You should also have continuity between both of these points.



            I checked both these area you pointed to in the pictures. Both readings showed 0.00 ohms. So I mentioned before the distributor was new there is a tin piece over the module saying warranty void if module removed. Could the be interfering with the ground?

            Andrew Phillips

              No, it shouldn’t. Have you verified that when the distributor went in that it was lined up properly? Perhaps it is 180 degrees off. Verify engine is at top dead center on the #1 compression stroke and see if the rotor contact is pointing directly at the #1 tower on the cap (or where the #1 tower would be if the cap were installed).


                Hi I went ahead and bought a crane cams ignition(digital multi spark ignition). Got a good deal on craigslist. I have hooked it up right to the hei system. The red light is suppose to come on, on the box when key in battery on position, but it does not. The ground wire comes out of the box and is connected to a 3/8 ring terminal which i have bolted to chassis. When i move the ground terminal around it blinks red but then stops no steady right light. I have confirmed 12v to system. any ideas? I have added the diagram

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