
Noisy Lifter

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  • #851319

      I have a 2007 Nissan Sentra 2.0L S.. It has a noisy lifter. When engine is cold it is fairly loud. When engine warms up it quiets down. Can anyone recommend a good additive that may correct this problem. Valves do not adjust.

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    • Author
    • #851321
      Nicholas Clark

        I have a good mechanic friend who swears by adding ATF to the oil to quiet down lifters before an oil change. Hydraulic lifters tend to get noisy when they get dirty and they don’t function properly. ATF has detergents in it and it helps clean all the gunk out of the lifters. I’d be willing to bet some people will condemn me for telling you this, but I would do it to my vehicle if I had a problem. I would put in maybe a pint and let the engine run for a couple minutes and then do your oil change. There are additives that can help as well. Like this.

        Do what you feel like. Before I knew my friend who told me about the ATF trick I had a Toyota that had a noisy lifter and it never caused a problem. I drove it for a long time. Consider more frequent oil and filter changes to help reduce the chance of this issue cropping up again.

        As a last thing, engines tend to be noisy when they are cold. If the noise goes away when it warms up, I wouldn’t even worry about it.

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