
OBD2 Scan tools

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  • #576943
    Jerry JonesJerry Jones

      That is kind of a trick question, Because it really depends on what you are wanting the scanner for and how much you have to spend on the tool.

      sam priemsam priem

        the cp9550 would be the better of the 2 (other than the expensive one). its capable of more things, but both are basically just code readers. if you want scan tool functionality, like live data, you need to buy something like what eric has. it mostly depends on what you plan on doing with. if you just want to read codes, the 2 cheap ones will do great, but if you want to actually diagnose problems, i would look at a better scantool. otc, launch, actron, and autel all make good full functional scan tools for a reasonable price.

        Jerry JonesJerry Jones

          Exactly , INNOVA makes some nice tools with live data too. You can find one on ebay fairly cheap


            I have 90 Dollars to spend. 🙁

            sam priemsam priem

              i would try to get another $10. its a good DIY tool for minor diagnostics. your not really going to get anything worth buying for under $90 unless its strictly a code reader. it all depends on what you need from the tool.

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