
Odd Noise

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  • #494582


      Ok sooooo I’m here to pick your brains again…this time about my car.

      I have a 2005 Kia Sportage 2.7L 6 cyl. FWD SUV with about 160k miles on it. As of recently I’ve been hearing some weird noises coming from what I THINK is my drivers side front wheel well. I’ve had the front struts replaced at 100k miles by a “professional” (brakes plus in NM). I then did my front ball joints at about 120k miles. I redid the front struts again (this time myself) at 150k miles along with new tires and an alignment. Everything was for the first 4-5k miles. I then started hearing a loud knocking noise when I’d have to brake hard and then accelerate (like coming to a stop at the bottom of a hill then taking off). I thought it was my brakes so I changed the pads and rotors. The noise went away but then a new noise started that could or could not be related. It only happens when I hit bumps in the road at low speeds (under 35-40 mph).

      It’s what I would call a tapping noise. The best way to describe it is if you were to put a piece of wood in a wooden box and secure the box to the car and drive over a bumpy road. I checked the coil spring to make sure it was still seated properly and also the strut mount retaining nuts to ensure they were tightened. Everything was okay. My guess is that it’s my axle. Does this seem like an appropriate assessment?

      Thanks in advance for the help!

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