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Old Toyotas and Japanese “muscle” cars: AE86, 2002 Toyota Supra, Acura NSX

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Favorite Cars Old Toyotas and Japanese “muscle” cars: AE86, 2002 Toyota Supra, Acura NSX

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  • #451287

      Where have the AWESOME Acura NSX mid-engine cars been? These were so amazingly balanced and fast. Though, not a big fan of the hiatus they left us with, only to come out with a smaller (yet lighter) NSX. I still like the beefier older models.

      How can we pass up the Supras” I’m not a fan of the boxy models, however, they have shown quite the progression over the years.

      AE86, seems to be the most coveted car for drift enthusiasts (though that comment may be under scrutiny). I just love the look of it, flip up lights, and the engine-RWD set up just makes it a fun car to toss around.

      I know I said Japanese “muscle” cars…but look up a 1971 Toyota Crown Fastback.

      It’s sad that these old Toyotas are so valuable now yet, the company seemed to not make many…I’m open to any corrections/insight. Cheers.

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    • #464721

        Let’s not forget the unsung hero of the Toyota family the 3sgte. Found in the middle of an mr2 turbo and in the 4 wheel drive celica , people have pushed 700hp outta that little 2.0l. With some minor engine building. I be personally owned a celica gt4 out of Japan 5rpm awd launches all day.

        Suby DugSuby Dug

          For the old school stuff, I have always wanted a Datsun 510, those things are so sweet.

          Along with that I did (my dad owned) have a 1978 280zx, that we built from the ground up…man that thing was awesome

          I would love to have an Acura NSX

          Another one I like is the mistubushi starion/chrysler conquest (I think it was mits, or was it toyota.) Rear wheel drive, can be transplanted to V8 real easy..ask me how I know banana: But in their own right they had a cool factor about them.

          My wife used to race RX3’s and 7’s but I never got into the whole mazda thing.

          And of course me, being, me. the suby xt6 and svx….awsomeness and now the STI….admittedly I am not too sold on the BRZ.

          I could go on, and on..but I am sure we all don’t want to read a book here.

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