
Overheated/Cooked engine

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge General Discussion Overheated/Cooked engine

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  • #538440

      hey just quickly my car i bought well over a year ago now had been cook/overheated and had the head gasket replaced and has run perfectly fine since (apart from it not wanting to start i believe i fixed that the spark plugs gaps was 1.8mm meant to be 1mm woops)

      anyway what i’m asking is, is it gonna need its piston rings replaced from the overheating and lost tension and may not be working to there 100%

      its not burning oil not blowing smoke or nothing and it doesnt overheat while running it sits at perfect temp, so it looks like its fine plus its been over a year but is it gonna be necessary eventually is what i wanted to know

      any replies are appreciated =]

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    • Author
    • #538494

        You may consider doing a compression test and go from there because when a engine overheats from what I have read can at times damage a lot of the internals. If your motor is not making any kind of noises that your questioning then I would just continue to run with it. Not sure if the engine coolant was completely flushed out and put a bottle or two of engine coolant flush liquid to get rid of some that orange rust looking gumb out. I am not a mechanic but just somethings I would do.


          If and when it starts smoking then worry about it.

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