
Paid phone and/or Email support

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge ETCG Suggestion Box Paid phone and/or Email support

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  • #860874

      We need local (to this form) paid help. I have looked around and think other options are hard to understand/use. I and possibly others would pay for phone support when we get stumped if we are paying someone that will help us until problem is solved. Could also be email/text.Any thoughts? Thanks

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    • Author
    • #860891

        I’ve looked into it and for me there’s just no way I’d be able to do that. There’s just too much going on for me personally to add anymore to the workload. In addition, finding qualified people to run and participate would also be a challenge.

        A good idea in principal, but difficult in practice. For now the helpful people on the forum will have to do.

        Thanks for the suggestion.

        Fernando cunha

          humm does it mean free premium membership? :huh:

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