
Question Concerning old gas.

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge General Discussion Question Concerning old gas.

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  • #598207
    Travis LangendoenTravis Langendoen

      Hello everybody, recently I purchased a 1965 Cadillac Calais.
      I have a generic, car unspecific question. The gas in the thing is old, very old.
      It will not start whilst running off this gas, however I was told that some fuel stabilizer would help, at least enough that I could run the engine and burn whats left out.
      Anybody have any suggestions? My original decision was to drop the fuel tank off and clean it out, or siphon enough gas out and add some fresh stuff, however, I’m just wondering if this (or another procedure)
      would be smarter or easier. If it helps, I’m not all that worried about the carb (if you should be worrying about the effects of the old gas) it’s rather gunked up already and it’s coming off and being cleaned/rebuilt at a later date.

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    • #598209

        If the fuel is old it’s too late for stabilizer. The best way is to remove the tank and have it cleaned and fresh gas put back in.

        When you do rebuild the carb at least you know that the tank is clean and won’t mess up your carb again.

        Travis LangendoenTravis Langendoen

          Good point, I think that’s probably what I’ll do.

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