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  • Radiator fan will only turn on with cap off recovery tank. 1999 chevy cavalier

Radiator fan will only turn on with cap off recovery tank. 1999 chevy cavalier

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here Radiator fan will only turn on with cap off recovery tank. 1999 chevy cavalier

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  • #882785

      Got the car, tank was low could’ve gotten air in the system. Added coolant, tried to bleed the system. Put the passenger side up, let it cycle a bunch of times, shut it off used bleeder no air came out. Did this a bunch of times. The thermostat seems good cause the fan comes on when it’s supposed to. The coolant was old when I got it, thinking about flushing it next. Water pump? When the caps off it cycles through, I have heat in the car and the engine doesn’t overheat. The second I put the reservoir cap on the fan won’t come on and the engine gets hot. Was thinking if the cap had anything to do with it? It screws on messed up, really hard. Would it be anything to do with the cap itself? I do however still hear a coolant noise after I shut the car off not sure if that’s normal to hear coolant at all or if there’s still air in it but why would the fan just not come on ever with the cap on unless with it off gravity is helping push the coolant through but you’d think that it would bleed it then. The second it’s off it’s perfect. Any help is really appreciated, thanks so much in advance!!

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    • #882797

        A bad radiator cap can cause a wide variety of strange symptoms. I wouldn’t count on it being your only problem in this case, but it’s a good place to start. I recommend OEM.


          Hi, thanks for the reply. I was unsure whether or not it would make a difference as my this cavalier doesn’t have a cap straight on the radiator. The only place that has a cap and where you add coolant is from the recovery tank. Do you think the cap would still create this problem? I know radiator caps on other cars can have problems but could the recovery tank cap?? I appreciate your help!!

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