
Removing rocker arms and rods

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here Removing rocker arms and rods

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  • #480481

      I’m about to pop the head on a 98 (might be a 99 engine) 4 cylinder 2.2 S10 truck. Chilton’s says put each cylinder at TDC using the ‘pin’ technique as you take off the rocker arms and push rods, then following the firing order 180′ as you take them off…sounds like a sophistcated procedure for such a little blurb in Chilton’s. Something about lifters and the cam lobes.
      Nothing else I’ve seen, AutoZone Online manual, people doing it on youtube..etc. shows doing this. People I’ve talked to with some experience say “naa, never heard that one. Just take them off and keep them in order.”
      So what’s going on here? Mind you I’m not just trying to bumble through an easy repair. I’m tearing this engine down because I want to understand it. I want to learn this.
      Why does Chilton’s just breeze over this and no one else mentions it?

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    • #480489

        think they just don’t want a valve spring and keeper to accidentally come off in the process. i know that GM wants you to have the cylinder in the top dead position for installation. probably for nut torque but i never have. think you’ll b ok


          +1. I’ve never done that either when dismantling.


            I’ve never done it that way. That doesn’t mean I’m right but I haven’t had any problems doing it that way. Perhaps they’re worried about getting the threads in a bind or something like that. Not sure if I’m honest.

            Michele Pensotti

              [quote=”jeffrey” post=39494]
              So what’s going on here? Mind you I’m not just trying to bumble through an easy repair. I’m tearing this engine down because I want to understand it. I want to learn this.
              Why does Chilton’s just breeze over this and no one else mentions it?[/quote]

              I really believe what you just said is full of thruth! 🙂

              You can’t know something better until you’ve disassembled and reassembed it.

              In the end you’re either gonna love it or hate it, but you’ll never be the same again 😉

              Yes, because you’ll have expanded the boundaries of your knowledge and experience 🙂

              And if you indeed start loving her, well then this will just be the first dinner invitation you’ll have made to her, and you’ll remember with love all the trouble and curses you’ll have been passing through to reach your prize!

              Go on, prove your theory, know your beauty!

              Yoooo!! banana:

              Live long and prosper…and Stay Dirty!


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