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reupholstering leather seats that are worn out

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge ETCG Suggestion Box reupholstering leather seats that are worn out

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  • #603810
    Michael Sackstein

      Hey Eric, I noticed that the driver & passenger seats on your Vigor are pretty well worn and I thought I might make a suggestion that you use that opportunity to make a video on how to reupholster and repair leather seats in a vehicle. Of course the other alternative could be to replace them with new seats out of an old vigor in the junk yard if you can find one. But I think this would be a good opportunity to show people how to go about doing this.

      I know this is a common problem with vehicles equipped with leather seats as they age and it can get rather expensive in some cases. since I know you only paid $500 bucks for the Vigor, maybe just a simple repair might be a better option in your case. Either way, I think this would definitely make for an interesting video in addition to the ones you already have made.

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    • #603823

        I’ve actually looked into it as I was one of the only people at the dealership to do upholstery work and I got pretty good at it. That said, the seat panels for the Vigor are over $700. That does not include the foam underneath which costs almost as much. About the only thing available for the Vigor is a set of cheesy seat covers. Honestly, I like the torn seats. Goes with the pealing clear coat on the body. Think fun to drive reliable POS.

        I could have it professionally repaired, but like I said, I like it the way it is. No one gives it a second glance.

        I do hope to cover this topic at some point and I did consider the Vigor, but unfortunately it’s not a good candidate. Should something come in sometime in the future I’d be happy to make a video about it.

        Thanks for the suggestion.

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