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Snap-On vs Craftsman for rear main seal

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Tool Talk Snap-On vs Craftsman for rear main seal

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  • #868044

      Need to replace the rear main seal on my 2005 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4×4 because it has started to leak and I hate leaks. Will be working underneath the vehicle and do not have to pull engine – but practically everything else. Purchased on Ebay a new set of Craftsman metric 12 point deep offset wrenches $44 for part of the job. Learned they were made in China after the purchase. So, purchased on Ebay a set of used Snap-on metric 12 point deep offset wrenches $130 too.

      Worried about the quality of chinese steel on the 12 points in the wrench and feel the Craftsman set even though new may strip during the job. The used Snap-On set is probably going to be stronger steel and have a better chance of lasting through the job.

      When they arrive in a few days which should I resell on ebay – craftsman or snap-on?

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    • Author
    • #868053

        If you sell the snap on you will likely get what you paid for them. The craftsman might net you half of what you paid.

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