

  • Creator
  • #539979

      Not sure were to put this post because it’s not a repair question or a how to do a repair. So to me this is the most logical place.

      I was working on a friends car yesterday doing a coolant flush that took about 4-5 hours to do because of some things that got in the way of a few bolts. But while I was doing it, I felt right at home as though it’s what I was ment to do in my life. Been trying to figure that part out for the past 26 years (I am 27 now)and at first I thought I wanted to be a computer tech. Well a few years after high school graduation I got board of the computer field and one of my buddies who is going to school to be a performance tech just started talking shop with me and the mod’s he wanted to do with his car. It sparked my intrest and well I got into it even more. After a while I just found car’s and what powers them fascinating. Well I knew I wanted to see if I liked it as a profession but after yesterday I do believe I was born to turn a wrench for the rest of my life. I have been working on my car since I got it with the issues it’s had and have loved the challange of finding out what went wrong and how I can fix it. Yesterday’s coolant flush set it in stone for me, You guys probably could have done the flush a lot faster because your more experianced. Well since I discovered ETCG and ETCG1 on youtube I have taken after him doing jobs for friends. I absolutely love playing ETCG for my friends and saving my friends a ton of money in labor… So Thank you to him and everyone here love doing this and I will be doing this for the rest of my life. 🙂

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    • Author
    • #540809

        I can’t describe how it feels to have your work effect people in such a positive way. I appreciate you taking the time to post this. Good luck. SD

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