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Trading repairs for services – Bartering

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge ETCG Suggestion Box Trading repairs for services – Bartering

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      I had just recently found the ETCG1 and repair videos alike and absolutely love them. I enjoy wrenching around on my cars and have been able to accomplish a whole bunch of projects that I had set out to do. Some of my friends will ask me to fix their car in trade for something. How often do you use the barter system to get items or services that are of value to you?

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    • #650044
      EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

        You nailed it on this one. In fact, I was doing this before I became a professional mechanic. This is a perfect topic for ETCG1. I have a few other videos already in the cue but I’ll be shooting this one in the not too distant future.

        Thanks for the suggestion.


          I kinda figured that it’d be a great way to save a lot of money…ya know…to buy more TOOLS! Being a mechanic is a valuable service and one that is quite marketable….not just for generating money, but for that plumbing leak that just happened to occur over the weekend and you have no idea what to do about it. Tradespeople are always wonderful to know!


            Not to be negative but I would strongly suggest that this is not the best for both parties . I did some major work for a “friend” who has a fleet of 6 vehicles in the family . Did my part right and when it came time for his part …… I got screwed over . He just fell short of what was expected to the point I had to help him finish the project .IF I do work now it is cash and carry . No more barter . As for the fellow that burned me …… We now keep business as business .

            Andrew ButtonAndrew Button

              Half the people wont meet their end of the bargain. Can you deal with a 50 percent loss ?

              Donnie RothDonnie

                I figure if they pay for the parts, I am sure something can be worked out. My friends don’t know much about cars, but they do provide the beer and pizza! Haha.

                Andrew ButtonAndrew Button

                  I put a beam in a VW beetle for a kid in a different town. His mother gave me a soda. Thats about the extent of that. Beer would have better.


                    Ouch….just…..ouch! A soda? That’d leave me pretty raw as well!

                    Andrew ButtonAndrew Button

                      Yes, just a soda. Not even a Cola, just a sparkling water. Had to drive up in the mountains an hour each way, cost me a lot in gas. Live and learn I suppose.


                        I don;t think I would want to do that. We all know that a lot of car repairs end up being way more of a pain in the ass than what it looks.
                        Seized fasteners, other crap breaking on the way, needing special tools… Even when a job SEEMS to be going well, snags are hit so you have to stop and deal with that unseen “challenge”.

                        [quote=”andrewbutton442″ post=125432]I put a beam in a VW beetle for a kid in a different town. His mother gave me a soda. Thats about the extent of that. Beer would have better.[/quote]

                        Not exactly sure what that means (like part of the frame or…?) No need to explain but it sounds like a PITA.

                        I think for a damn soda, that is worth maybe checking all the fluid levels, assuming all can be checked from the TOP of the engine (unlike some Grand Am where you have to crawl under it) Oh and that soda better be a Pepsi, almost freezing, in a can. So refreshing that it quinches not only body but also spirit

                        Andrew ButtonAndrew Button

                          On older beetles they had a pan. Bolted on the front of the pan there is a pair of tubes mounted together holding two sets of transversly mounted torsion springs, all stacked together. The beam holds all the torsion springs together, as well as the knuckles, wheels, brakes, steering box, dampener bunch of other odd stuff not seen on other cars., basically everything on the front of the car thats not the body. Guys will buy chopped and cut beams to change them out and so the stock ones usually get removed and replaced with the damn thing I changed out. LOL.

                          Gary BrownGary

                            Personally, I believe in the barter and trade system as long as you use good judgement. It can backfire if there is no solid agreement or the person has no sense of commitment. Gotta play it wisely.

                            Rich SoutherlandRich Southerland

                              I do barter but only on labor. I can afford to lose a few hours. I won’t lose time *and* money.

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