
Trouble using Nitrite Gloves?

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  • #476395

      B) Ever had trouble getting those Nitrite gloves back on after being gently used once? I’m sure that most of you have figured out that a little baby powder does the trick and it reminds me of the grandbabies.

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    • #476396

        You can buy them powdered, cost the same.


          If I can’t get them back on, they go in the trash and I reach for a new pair. Company supplies us gloves so I’m not going to waste time and let that frustrate me 🙂


            Depending on how nasty mine are, i just turn them inside out, job dependent.


              Not to mention the powder prevents your glove from turning into a bathtub full of sweat.

              Steffen NyegaardSteffen Nyegaard

                Powdered gloves have been phased out due to the large amount of allergies user got from them. This is worst with latex gloves (which don’t protect as well) which used to be powdered with corn starch. Newer gloves use titanium silicate, but it decreases reliability of the glove and increases skin susceptibility to chemicals.

                Good thing you are using nitrile gloves though. No point in getting 5 limbed babies on top of a bad back and sore knees ;).

                I highly recommend ventilation also as painters brain (does that term exist in english?) is a common risk due to the high exposure to harsh chemicals and solvents.

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