
Unequal brake pad wear

  • Creator
  • #656266
    Chris Briggs

      I have an ’05 Accord EX-V6 sedan. Last week I started hearing a loud scraping sound from the front left wheel when I’d apply the brakes. Most of the time it would even continue for a little bit after I let off the brakes. I pulled the wheel off and found that the outer pad was worn down to the part of the shim that bends around the sides of the pad. The inside pad still has plenty left. See the picture.

      I poked around a little more and found that one of the slider pins was stuck. I got it out and lubed it with some silicone paste, and I did the other one for good measure.

      Obviously, I’ll get new pads. I have two questions:

      1. Does the stuck slider pin fully explain why one pad would wear so much faster than the other, or should I be looking for some other issue?

      2. How do I know if I need new rotors?


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    • Author
    • #656268
      Michael Wells

        1. I think more than likely that was your problem. If the caliper can’t float properly, its going to give more wear to one side, especially the piston side.

        2. Any time a pad wears down to the bare metal, it cuts into the rotor. Inspect it to see if it did cut any groves into it. If it’s not too bad, you can get it turned. If not sure, you can take it to a machinist and they can measure it to see if the amount to turn it will be within specs.

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