
van will not start

  • Creator
  • #857903
    hector mendozahector mendoza

      I have a 1999 Plymouth grand voyager. I had put in a alternator it started. But days after that, I went to start it up, it turned over 3 times and it would shut off. I went to start it up again, nothing. The lights everything works. I put a starter and nothing. Wat can it

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    • Author
    • #857913
      A toyotakarlIts me

          Is this a crank no start situation or no crank no start?

          Cloud WalkerCloud Walker

            [quote=”gmule” post=165360]Is this a crank no start situation or no crank no start?[/quote]

            Original poster’s words

            I put a starter and nothing.

            I am lead to believe that it is a “no crank no start”, due to the use of the word “nothing”.
            There are so many possible causes that the Original Poster (OP) should follow the link to the video and start at the beginning, the battery.

            My Thoughts,

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