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  • Why does American cars beep with the ignition on?

Why does American cars beep with the ignition on?

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge General Discussion Why does American cars beep with the ignition on?

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  • #514883

      I’ve noticed that many, if not all, American cars make a constant beeping sound when you have the ignition turned on, why is this? To make sure you don’t forget to take the key out?

      Dont know if this is exclusively for American vehicles, I live in Finland and the only cars i’ve come across this on is a couple of Chevrolet Trans-sports, but why is it there?

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    • #514948

        Not just American, but German and Japanese cars beep as well. And yea, it’s a reminder to either turn the lights off or take the key out.


          Okey, i see


            I work at jiffy lube in central us. Every car beeps except older car I know this because I vacum peoples carpet in their cars and I get really annoyed with it


              I’m sure that beeping sound has kept many a American from locking his/her keys up. On a related note, I’ve been driving 29 years and locked my keys up once. But I was going through a divorce so my mind was elsewhere, :-). *knock on wood*

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