I Need a New Tool Box!
Honestly this is long overdue. My tool box has been overflowing for years and I’ve just ignored it, but lately it’s getting harder and harder to open and close the drawers and I’ve had enough. It’s time for a new tool box.
I’ve had my eye on one of these for many years.
I know that’s not the only solution so I’m opening the comments to you to see what you recommend. Either way, I see a new tool box in my future.
Intro music by Eric Cook “ETCG1 Intro”.
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ETCG Video Title: I Need a New Tool Box! -ETCG1 Video Description: Honestly this is long overdue. My tool box has been overflowing for years and I’ve just ignored it, but lately it’s getting harder and harder to open and close the drawers and I’ve had enough. It’s time for a new tool box. Thumbnail: http://www.ericthecarguy.com/images/Youtube_Thumbs/feb/2017/I-Need-a-New-Tool-Box-850.jpg