Stolen! -ETCG1
One morning I went out and found the ash tray with all of my spare change missing from my Acura Vigor. In a way it was my fault. I left the doors unlocked. I had foolishly believed that anyone looking at the car wouldn’t consider that it had anything of value in it.
It’s been some time since I had something stolen from one of my vehicles. It doesn’t suck any less I can tell you. I will be more mindful in the future and keep my doors locked.
I know I’m not the only one that’s had something like this happen. I’d love to hear what your experiences have been with stolen materials out of your vehicles. We’re all about discussions here on ETCG1. Looking forward to your input.
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ETCG Video Title: Stolen! -ETCG1 Video Description: One morning I went out and found the ash tray with all of my spare change missing from my Acura Vigor.Thumbnail: