The Measure of Success -ETCG1
I walked into the shop one day and it just sort of hit me that what I do has become successful. It’s an honor to have the success that I do, but it’s not something that was handed to me, or something that happened overnight. In fact, it took a great deal of time and effort to get where I am today. Was it worth it, absolutely. I’m in a much better place now than before I started EricTheCarGuy. I’ve been blessed with many things since I started ETCG and I’m grateful.
If you’re looking to develop your own success story, I recommend staying organized and focused. Don’t expect things to happen right away. Stick with it, and you never know what might become of your efforts. I wish you all the best no matter what.
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ETCG Video Title: The Measure of Success -ETCG1 Video Description: I’ve been blessed with many things since I started ETCG and I’m grateful.}