
ETCG Gets a Case of the IDGAF

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  • #613263

      I think everybody feels this way from time to time no matter how much you love your job. I suppose the trick is to just keep working through it. What are your thoughts?

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    • #613739

        [quote=”quickNpainless” post=103730]the ex-military guy in me is kind of appalled by this thread. laziness and simply CHOOSING not to care is simply unacceptable in my mind, even for a short while. That said, I’ve been through some pretty rough crap in some even crappier places. Compared to most of that even the hardest day in the shop is a walk in the park in comparison.

        Never give up, never surrender, yadda yadda. My .02 cents.[/quote]

        Good points. To that I would say that ETCG would not exist today had I given up. 🙂


          [quote=”FannytheFartcan” post=103750]How’d ya know it was my birthday yesterday, Mr. Car-Guy?[/quote]

          I’m psychotic.

          Its me

            Lorrin Barth

              There’s a bug going around this summer, I have it, my wife has it, people at church have it. You get a little cough, a little sore throat but don’t feel that bad. But go do some work and after an hour you are exhausted. As I look over my shoulder out into the living room my wife is on the sofa, head in hand, eyes closed.


                [quote=”barneyb” post=104273]There’s a bug going around this summer, I have it, my wife has it, people at church have it. You get a little cough, a little sore throat but don’t feel that bad. But go do some work and after an hour you are exhausted. As I look over my shoulder out into the living room my wife is on the sofa, head in hand, eyes closed.[/quote]

                Sorry to hear you’re not feeling good. I hope it gets better soon. I don’t see that as a case of the IDGAF, but more of you need to get some rest so you can feel better. My issue was more of a big chocolate chip cookie and a mountain of work to do.


                  [quote=”ToyotaKarl” post=104113]

                  please keep your finger off the trigger, and if your firearm is equipped with a safety, safety on until you are ready too fire!

                  sorry my gun nut came out lol, i can just see his finger accedentally squeezing the trigger too hard and BANG!


                    Thanks Eric 🙂 I rewatched your video on my birthday so I could see it on my birthday. 🙂

                    Rene Perez

                      Where are you located? I have the sense that I am going to get sick myself, and I am out in California. The heat is just up there and I really cannot afford to get sick.

                      Rene Perez

                        I think I am already getting to that point myself. I just barely started in the field and now it is just like I could care less how many tickets we get a day. When I see a whole bunch being put up there, I look at them and my coworker and just go “oh well”. Customers have to wait regardless. Why try to rush when you can increase chances of messing up. I remember back when I first started working, I wouldn’t take a break until I knew all tickets and cars were gone. But a lot of my coworkers would tell me to just ignore it and take them one at a time.


                          [quote=”rspz23″ post=105618]I think I am already getting to that point myself. I just barely started in the field and now it is just like I could care less how many tickets we get a day. When I see a whole bunch being put up there, I look at them and my coworker and just go “oh well”. Customers have to wait regardless. Why try to rush when you can increase chances of messing up. I remember back when I first started working, I wouldn’t take a break until I knew all tickets and cars were gone. But a lot of my coworkers would tell me to just ignore it and take them one at a time.[/quote]

                          It is a balance you need to maintain. As you pointed out, rushing can lead to mistakes and comebacks.

                          Lorrin Barth

                            I’m well again. I have all the repair parts for the Subaru timing belt job. Also, the special tools have arrived. However, I have this 55 year old sailboat I am trying to restore. Yesterday was spent scouting for sailboat parts. Right now playing with sailboat is so much more fun than working on cars.

                            Well, the Subaru has the hitch so I need to convince myself that keeping the tow vehicle running is part of the sailboat project. Maybe that will work. Dunno.


                              Yea, I know what it’s like to have multiple projects going on at once. Keeps us out of trouble. Good luck with both.

                              Rich Bayer

                                I get some frustrating days when I feel like leaving my current employer, but I seldom regret getting into this field… almost never..

                                We can’t fix John Deere stuff at work because they require ALL of their crap to be taken back to the dealer because we don’t have the Canbus protocol to find out what sensor is seeing what…. So there’s most of my headaches is not having the right damn supplies and it gets seriously frustrating to where I grab our shop Kawasaki Mule and just go drive around for a while. I’m Salary so what do they expect me to do if I don’t have the tools, parts or supplies to do my job?? I go screw off for an hour to let off some steam and go drive around the woods.. Or I’ll find a reason to use the Mule to go check supply to see if any parts trickled their way in. (I work on a military installation so supply is clear across base.)

                                David Hintsa

                                  I have been working at a grocery store for three months working the graveyard shift and I am getting to the point where it is the worst thing I ever decided to do, so I decided to get started looking at getting my Automotive Mechanic career started and I can’t wait to see if I will get accepted at the college so I can start this fall.

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