
Plate on back of block

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  • #607280

      Ok guys, maybe you can point me in the right direction. My mom’s coworker went to the local Honda dealership for an oil change on her 2009 Honda Civic 1.8l and got a laundry list of repairs they said she needed. One of them was to fix an oil leak from “plate on back of block.” This is coming from the estimate, no other description was given. She said she has seen no oil leaks and I can’t seem to find any. Does anyone know what this “plate on back of block” could be?

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    • Author
    • #607371
      Lorrin Barth

        Maybe the coworker actually has a Subaru. There’s a couple of plates on the back of a Subaru engine that can leak.


          Its common on blocks actually. A lot of the time the plate is covering a hole from the manufacturing process. Most of the time though the plate is covering up part of the coolant jacket, not oil.


            No it’s a 2009 Honda Civic but thanks for the reply


              Here’s a good example. Block off plate would normally be covering this hole on the front of the block from the manufacturing process. You can see the outer wall of the cylinder. This block was however turned into a bottle holder now in my kitchen. Bought the engine for almost nothing to take some of the good speciality bits off it. At some point someone decided to neglect changing or topping up the oil and it roasted the crank, all bearings, and scored up the cylinder walls past having them machined.



                Someone needs to work on their work order write up skills. ‘Plate on the back of the block’ could mean many things. This is what happens when they move people from the car wash to the oil change bay. Don’t laugh, that’s probably what happened. Kinda makes you want to do it yourself next time, don’t it? Especially for what they charged you for an oil change.

                That said, you need to take it to someone with some real mechanical experience to look at it. OR you can take it back to the dealer and ask them to have a real technician look at it. Since you’re just trying to verify a problem, they shouldn’t charge you for it. After all, they did write it up on the work order.

                Another option is to look at it yourself. Perhaps take a pic and post it here and we may be able to help you find the issue.

                Lastly there’s this.


                Good luck and keep us posted.


                  Yea I’m actually working on the car bc it needs brakes and plugs. She brought it there for the oil change and that was one of the items on the work order, “Rear plate on back of block leaking oil, remove and reseal $575”. I haven’t actually looked at the car myself yet but I figured I would ask in case you or someone else had an idea of what the heck it could be with all of your experience at Honda. Thanks for the response, I’ll let you know what it was assuming I can actually find the oil leak. At least I know where to look!

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