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Thanks I did checked the wiring harness getting power an ground other 2 jacks looks good, will double check an try reprogramming again.
Yes no leaks, when on idle in park idle going up an down and when put into reverse and drive the idle sometimes dropping to zero and shutting off.With AC off working good.Thanks
Just the left side front door has got and impact its a right hand drive car thanks
already replaced all 4 glow plugs
i will try an get a video but im sure is the bar it make a kind of sqeeqee an toq toq sound..thanks again
Ok I will check out those things and keep you posted. .thanks
the spring is moving back and fort and making a sound like clong clong something like this noise
yes the oil level is good no codes when scan…
nissan tida 2007 hr15de engine noise like a rattling pinging sound coming from engine when slow down an moving you hearing the noise.i scan no codes replaced spark plugs clean egr an cataylic converter an fuel injectors still same problem…
no codes
thanks for all the advise i got it out finally,i used a extractor tool and it came out ……
top half broke off with the nut that grip the spark plug socket,the other piece with the treading remain inside….
i did get through i clean the iac valve working great…thanks